+(241) 774 711 37


Gabon is located in Central Africa and has a hot and humid equatorial climate. Temperatures are generally high and constant throughout the year, with monthly averages between 23°C and 27°C. Rainfall is also abundant and regular throughout the year, with monthly averages above 100 mm in most parts of the country. Rainfall is particularly high during the months of March to May and September to November, with a relative dry season during the months of June to August and December to February. Coastal areas can also experience strong winds and tropical storms during the months of June through September.

Gabon is considered a relatively safe country in Central Africa, but it is always advisable to be vigilant with regard to personal safety and to take reasonable security precautions.

The country has experienced periods of political and social unrest in the past, but these situations have largely been resolved and the country currently enjoys relative political stability. However, there may be occasional demonstrations and civil unrest, particularly in urban areas.

Gabon is a country with a rich and diverse culture, and it is important for visitors to respect local customs and traditions when it comes to good manners.

Here are some key elements of Gabonese culture to keep in mind:

  • Greetings: Greetings are important in Gabon, and it is common to shake hands in greeting. It is also common to kiss each other when meeting friends and family members. It is also important to show respect to elders by shaking hands or giving them a slight nod of the head.

  • Language: French is the official language of Gabon, but there are many local languages. It is common to greet people using their local language if you know it.

  • Dress code: Gabon has a hot and humid tropical climate, but it is important to wear decent and appropriate clothing for formal or religious occasions. It is also important to cover your legs and shoulders in places of worship.

  • Meals: Gabonese cuisine is diverse and includes a wide variety of meat, fish, vegetable and fruit dishes. It is common to share meals with family or friends, and eating with your fingers is acceptable in certain circumstances.

  • Respect for beliefs and traditions: Gabon has a strong animist and Christian tradition, and it is important to respect religious beliefs and local customs. It is common to bring gifts when visiting family and friends.

Le paludisme est une maladie relativement répandue en Afrique équatoriale. Différents traitements préventifs existent qui ont fait leur preuve. Prenez rendez-vous avec votre médecin traitant ou un centre de vaccination spécialisé pour déterminer le traitement le plus adapté à votre cas.

De manière générale, il convient de se protéger adéquatement contre les moustiques, vecteurs de nombreuses maladies. Pour cela, munissez-vous de produits répulsifs efficaces.

De la crème solaire sera également nécessaire, en particulier pendant la saison des pluies (de septembre à décembre et de février à mai).

As with any trip abroad, it is important to take precautions to prevent illness when traveling to Gabon. Here is some important information to know:

  • Vaccines: It is recommended to be vaccinated against hepatitis A and B, yellow fever, typhoid and rabies before traveling to Gabon. It is important to consult a medical professional prior to travel for specific medical advice based on your medical condition and medical history.

  • Malaria: Malaria is common in Gabon, and it is important to take preventive measures to avoid mosquito bites. This may include using insecticide-treated bed nets, using mosquito repellents, and wearing long, light-colored clothing to reduce exposure to bites.

